
Hey all Dev Leif here and I just wanted to let you all know and show that the game is still being worked on, and will now be starting to be released here on Itch.io!

 I know updates have been slow to roll out and I want to apologize to you our loyal fans and to then also thank you all for the amazing support and feedback! Now onto the changes that where made. First -Menus have been changed, and I gotta say I really like the new layout. Second- Spoiler for a new map I have been working super duper hard on a procedural map and I'm super excited to share that it will be in the next update but I wanted to showcase a proof of concept for a map menu. Third- New weapon icon, now this one will be a little harder to see but behind you current weapon in use is the next weapon in your arsenal. That one is an update no one asked for but I liked the idea and it helps a lot for one of the next updates! Fourth and final update releasing the game here on Itch.io so for thosee just joining the Murderchasm family for the previous updates I used my personal google drive and even discord to hand out versions of this game but with this neat fancy website I dont have to do that anymore annnnndddd Odd Media and I can see the number of you folks playing the game, plus this link can be shared out for first access to newer updates till its made public! 

Ok now that all the updates are in I want to take a minute and again thank all you awesome people for playing this game and giving feedback you have been amazing and a huge help in the development of this game! Until next update my friends goodluck and may you survive the Chasming.


MurderchasmV0.15.zip 32 MB
Jul 21, 2024

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